Customer Analysis

Willowbend is deeply rooted in location data accuracy, starting with our client’s legacy address data; specifically, their customer’ address data. 

“Free Steak Dinner Offer” 

For many years, Willowbend offered a challenge to companies that if their existing customer data was 95% or more postal deliverable, they would win a free steak dinner up to $500.00 on us.  There were no winners!  In fact, most companies taking the challenge scored greater than 65% deliverable.  There are multiple reasons for customer address data errors stimming from poor data entry and validation tools; and to the fact that the USPS assigns new address schemes, most typically new Zip Codes.

Why is this important?  Having bad customer data makes using it as a marketing resource problematic.

The good news is that Willowbend can restore most of the bad address data, and keep the entire database updated and over 98% clean and deliverable.  

Using clean customer address data is the basis for Willowbend’s Customer Analysis product.  We are able to extract a wealth of geospatial data that enables marketers to leverage their customer database to improve their marketing efforts.  Understanding where customers live and cluster, what they look like demographically, and even their lifestyle attributes, provides valuable insights that impact product messaging and media selections. 

For direct marketing purposes, it ensures that return on advertising spend is maximized by reaching the right audience. 

Willowbend clients are able to rely on their customer data from now on, and have the ability to review changes in customer patterns and stay ahead of their competition using our Customer Analysis capabilities.  

Consumer and Business Lists


Willowbend provides its clients with both proprietary and outsourced list services; whatever is best suited to produce a list of best prospects that look like existing customers, clean up and assure deliverability of internal company list data, and more.